If you have recently purchased some
young trees from your local nursery, you may be excited to get them into the
ground, but be careful. Young trees are delicate and can easily be influenced
by changes in the weather, temperature, and precipitation. That is why there is
a specific time frame you should use when you are thinking about planting young
saplings. Where you live in the country also influences the time of year that
you can plant a tree. For example, those in the Southern regions of the United
States have a longer planting season than those in the upper Midwest. Here are
some of our top tips on when is the best time to plant young trees.
Look at the rain conditions: If you
want to plant a young tree one important factor to consider is recent rain conditions.
You will want to have a reasonable amount of rain recently in order to properly
nourish the root system of your young trees. For this reason, you should try to
avoid planting in summer and winter if you live in a region that has cold
winters. Most regions experience little rain in summer and this can set your
young sapling up for a bad start. For colder regions winter is also a bad time,
because despite the fact that you are getting precipitation in the form of
snow, none of that moisture will make its way into the soil until the snow
starts to melt, usually around late winter or early spring.
Temperature: Temperature is also a
factor to consider when planting a sapling. In the summer, especially in
Southern regions, the heat will be too much for the little tree to handle.
Likewise, winter temperatures will be too harsh for a young tree, even in its
dormant state. When looking at temperature, the best time to plant a tree would
be in the later part of autumn, before the first frost or in early spring,
ideally late March into April, when the moisture conditions are just right for
a young tree.
State of the tree: Another factor that
many novice tree planters don’t consider is the growing state of the tree at
the time of planting. This is important, however, because a tree is less
susceptible to damage in its dormant state, which makes it the ideal time to
plant. For deciduous trees you can tell that they are going into their dormant
state once their leaves begin to fall and become active again once you begin to
see buds developing on the trees. For evergreens, you have more leeway since
these trees never enter into a dormant state. You can plant an evergreen
earlier than you can plant most deciduous trees but keep an eye on the heat.
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